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Szegö measures and vibration of Krein strings

  • Speaker:Roman Bessonov (St. Petersburg State University and PDMI RAS)
  • TIME:December 15, 2022, 20:00-21:00 Beijing time (15:00-16:00 St Petersburg time)
  • LOCATION:online

Recording: https://disk.pku.edu.cn:443/link/E5C32793459707574B5D5FA1C4E122DE
Valid Until: 2027-01-31 23:59


Abstract: ../../docs/20221215152637257326.pdf


Bio: Roman Bessonov is a vice-dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences at Saint Petersburg State University which he combines with working at the Saint Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute. Roman graduated in 2009 and got his PhD degree in 2013. He is an outstanding expert in Mathematical Analysis including Real and Complex Analysis, Operator theory, Spectral theory and inverse problems for canonical Hamiltonian Systems. Roman Bessonov has obtained a series of breakthrough results in these areas and obtained several prestigious awards. In particular, in 2021, he received ‘Young Russian Mathematician’ prize thus being recognized as one of the nationwide top 5 mathematicians under 40 (in all areas).