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Random Horseshoe of Anosov systems driven by a quasi-periodic forcing

  • 主讲人:Lian Zeng(Sichuan University)
  • 举办方: Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium
  • 时间: 2023-11-09 20:00 - 2023-11-09 21:00
  • 地点: online

Recording: https://disk.pku.edu.cn:443/#/link/251ECA2F394CD626F9F0D59603264344
Valid Until: 2023-12-14 23:59


Abstract: Consider C2 Anosov systems on a compact manifold driven by a quasiperiodic forcing. We study their dynamical complexity on various levels from both perspectives of path-wise dynamics and stochastic processes. In this talk, I will report the results on the existence of random horseshoe from two different viewpoints:topology and probability.  This is joint with Wen Huang and Kening Lu.


Bio: Dr. Lian Zeng is currently a professor at the College of Mathematics, Sichuan University. He is mainly engaged in research in dynamic systems and ergodic theory, including smooth ergodic theory of random or infinite dimensional dynamic systems, chaos theory, and ergodic optimization theory. Related work has been published in journals such as MAMS, JAMS, JDE, Adv. Math., Sci. China Math. etc.. He was awarded the 2017 China National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists.