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Two stratifications in p-adic Hodge theory

  • 主讲人:Miaofen Chen(East China Normal University)
  • 举办方: Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
  • 时间: 2023-12-15 16:00 - 2023-12-15 17:00
  • 地点: online

To Join Tencent Meeting:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/Iu5M179e8w0A

Meeting ID:498-2712-5392     Password654321



Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce two Harder-Narasimhan formalisms in p-adic Hodge theory which defines two stratifications: one is called Newton strafication and the other is called Harder-Narasimhan stratification. Newton stratification is the image of the p-adic period mapping and Harder-Narasimhan stratification is its algebraic approximation. In this talk, we will explain the basic properties of these two stratifications and their relations. 


Bio: Miaofen Chen is currently a Professor at East China Normal University. In 2011, she received her PhD from Unversity of Paris XI. After graduation, she worked at Bonn university and Technical University of Munich as a postdoctoral fellow. Miaofen Chen joined East China Normal University since 2012. She studies various problems related to moduli space of p-divisible groups and p-adic period domains.