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【学术报告】Introduction to p-adic Langlands program for GL_2

  • 主讲人:Hu Yongquan
  • 时间:周五17:00-18:00,2021-03-26
  • 地点:online

Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium (online) 


The p-adic and mod p Langlands program is an avatar of the classical Langlands program and has been first initiated by C. Breuil. In this colloquium talk, I will give a brief introduction to the program and survey some recent progress in the case of GL_2.


Yongquan Hu received PhD degree from University Paris-Sud in 2010. After that, he has worked at University of Rennes 1 (France) as a Maître de Conférence. Starting from 2015, he is a Professor at Morningside Center of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science. His research interest lies in p-adic and mod p Langlands program.